
CAA France Board Members


Jean-Pierre REICHENBACH, 70BUS   President
Severine MARTIN-HARTENSTEIN, 14GSAS, PhD Secretary General
Anne NOUVIAIRE, 11SIPA Treasurer
Jan DUNIN-WASOWICZ, 12LAW Board Member
Héloïse GARRY, 21GS Board Member
Christophe KNOX, 95CC Board Member
Penni ORNER, 12SIPA Board Member
Maxime RICHÉ, 05SEAS Board Member
Laetitia NICOLAZZI, 16LAW Board Member
Florent TO LAY, 17GSAS Board Member
Victor WONG, 91GSAPP Board Member
Lucy ZORZANO, 20BC Board Member












Contact us at [email protected].

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  • Andrew Lloyd
    commented 2023-09-27 12:18:46 +0200
    Dear Columbia Alumni Club

    I have exchanged a couple of emails with Andrew Wells (rue de Chevreuse) on this subject and he suggested contacting you at cucfboard address. This seems not to work so am trying this…

    Oxford and Cambridge alums hold a monthly event we call “First Wednesday Drinks” at a bar close by the Bastille. In the past, we have invited Harvard and Yale as well as the Polytechnique, ENS and other French universities to join us (one university at a time…). It’s nothing spectacular, just a friendly get together with anything from 30 to 80 people of all ages and a mixture of expats and French people.

    We were wondering if Columbia alums in France would be interested in attending, and, if so, how we would go about this.

    Best regards
    Andrew Lloyd (now signed up on your website)
  • Andre Braido
    commented 2020-04-23 15:27:19 +0200
    Music is such a beautiful art! You are to be congratulated!
  • Jacicleia Cleia
    commented 2018-09-18 01:41:59 +0200
    What a great content, I really liked it, thank you very much for sharing!
  • Israel Silva
    commented 2018-09-11 03:31:49 +0200
    Music is such a beautiful art! You are to be congratulated!
  • Patty Mattos
    commented 2018-05-17 20:11:39 +0200
    I’m happy to have your content, I enjoyed your content very much. https://projetogospel.com/
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